Excitement grips Europe as Maltese nurses threaten to abandon their island nation - Associated PressNurses’ certificate opens EU gates wide by MARK MICALLEF Fifty-three nurses graduated yesterday from what is known as the “conversion course” which, in the Health Minister’s own words, “opens a door of opportunity for Maltese nurses to specialise or work in other EU member states”. The course helps enrolled nurses advance their training level to EU standards, which makes their qualifications recognisable throughout the union and opens up their prospects of finding employment elsewhere. At recent press conferences, the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses has reiterated that if the government does not tackle the issues faced by the professionals in the health sector, then it will be heading for a definite brain drain.
¶ 6:39 AM
Ma nistaghgeb xejn... il-harba ta' l-imhuh mhux biss tirrigwarda l-avukati/avikoti u l-lingwisti izda wkoll dawk li f'xogholhom ghandhom responsabbiltà aktar bazika u immedjata, cjoè t-tobba, l-infermieri, minn hawn u ftit iehor jitilqu wkoll il-kenniesa... imn'Alla jibqghu maghna l-filosofi!
Bil-haqq, David, ghandi pjacir, u proset tal-blogg.
Tajba Antoine...l-iktar li ghogbitni l-ahhar "dig" fid-direzzjoni tal-filosfi. :-) Fl-ahhar erba' snin li ili barra osservajt li n-nies li l-iktar kapaci jkampaw (u ma taqbzilhomx) Malta huma dawk li holqu nijx ghal qalbhom. Josservaw dak li qed jigri madwarhom Malta imma mhux ser idejjaqhom izzejjed Xarabank, jew il-fatt li ergajna tajna wisq importanza liz-zikk ta' Yoyovixin, jew li hemm 'gurnalisti' tas-sold u nofs jiktbu l-kazzati. Ghandi habib muzicist/avikot/filosfu (iz-Zico tal-Ispooky Monkey)ezatt hekk. Jaqralek il-headlines, ikun jaf bejn wiehed u iehor x'qed ihawwad il-poplu tal-Blata imma pjuttost jigi jitmejjel mill-polemici parrokkjali. Nammirah. Jien mhux bhalu u parpart 'l hemm.
David, bhalek jien u ma ssoportejtx - biss ghandi rispett kbir ghal dawn in-nies li ssemmi int (tghin ukoll li z-Zico tip pjuttost kalm eh!) - iz-Zejtun, Zurich jew iz-Zimbabwe jibqghu ffukati (u mhux ffukkjati)... x'nies dawk!