Groan from Provence
Bargemon, Provence
Dalghodu qomt fil-hamsa mat-tisfir ta' l-aghsafar (x'aktarx il-kuku) u bit-toghma tal-Goudale (Good Ale) u bi frustrazzjoni ckejkna li l-vjaggi u l-qari u l-esperjenzi ta' l-ahhar xhur ghadhom ma nibdtux fi blogg.
Imbaghad dalghodu niccekkja t-Tajms on line u nara din.
Blogging evolution
In a sign that weblogs have become the web phenomenon, evolving from web curiosity into a mainstream medium, Modern Elegance magazine, out with The Times tomorrow, devotes an article to five Maltese people living abroad and who are posting their memoirs on the net.
Weblogs are a compelling personal kind of journal, unique to the internet. For the writers - Mark Vella, Guzé Stagno, Immanuel Mifsud, Toni Sant and Sharon Spiteri - some of them known for the controversial content of their writings, this online diary provides an excellent international point of contact, allows them to write freely about almost anything under the sun, from films to experimental philosophy, and gives them space for self-publicity, as some of them admit.
The blogs are mostly devoted to personal musings.