Brussels Blog
Sunday, June 05, 2005
  L'exception culturelle maltaise u l-abort
L-iktar haga stramba f'dil-bicca xoghol hi li donnu kulhadd jiddiskuti l-ghaliex ta' din il-proposta Borgjana. Hemm min jghid li semplicement wicc iehor tal- fundamentalizmu vaticano-maltese, hemm minn jghid mod iehor. Imma sa fejn naf jien, il-gvern ghadu ma harigx b'argument legali konkret ghaliex irid jikkostituzzjonalizza meta m'hemm l-EBDA dibattitu pro-choice fil-pajjiz u l-EBDA partit politiku li hu favur l-abort. Simone Veil ghadha ma nghaqdietx mad-Dark Side ta' l-elit liberali Malti.

Nahseb li Toninu Borg ma harigx biha semplicement ghax ma kellux x'jaghmel, jew ghax ried jaljena l-poplu bhal ma implikaw xi whud . Fil-fatt hemm zewg kurrenti interessanti madwar l-EU fuq dil-bicca. Hemm minn qed jghid li jekk jidhol fis-sehh it-Trattat Kostituzzjonali tal-EU, u allura l-Karta tad-Drittijiet li hi parti integrali minnha, (wara n-"Non" Franciz, n-"Nee" Olandiz u l-kop-out ta' Blair il-bierah dan jidher remotissimu) dan ikun theddida ghad-dritt ta' l-ghazla (pro-choice). Assurd hafna da l-argument imma jezisti. U hemm minn qed jghid il-kontra: li jista' jkun li a bazi tal-Karta tinfetah tieqa ghal min irid jistabilixxi dritt pro-choice. Nahseb li dan ukoll argument imgebbed pero' forsi kien bizzejjed biex iwerwer lil tal-Gift of Life u l- bella compania...

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The Catholic Church has officially endorsed the EU Constitution but concerns among some groups remain about its possible implications for future decisions on issues such as abortion, euthanasia or women priests.
While leaving it up to believers to decide how to vote in referendums, Brussels-based Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) has previously expressed its support for the new treaty.
But several pro-life and religious activists argue the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which is a part of the European Constitution, includes ambiguous definitions of some human rights, which could lead to their interpretation by the EU top court in a way that runs counter to traditional Christian principles.
At the same time, feminist and pro-abortion lobby groups are making it clear they want to use the provisions of the Charter to extend human rights protection in controversial areas, especially in countries with stricter legislation.

Jista' jkun li l-PN jixtiequ jistabbilixxu "identita' Maltija go l-Ewropa". Qed ihossu li l-kurrenti kontinwi mill-Ewropa/EU kapaci jheddu dawk il-famuzi VALURI SODI MALTIN li dejjem inkantaw u nippuppaw bihom. Din il-proposta ta' Borg naraha bhala assertion ta' dik li l-Francizi jsejhulha l'exception culturelle. Fis-suq liberu ewropew u internazzjonali, il-Francizi jipprotegu l- kultura Franciza (b'mod specjali c-cinema), l-izjed mill-influenza holywoodjana, filwaqt li l-Maltin jaghmlu statement li "l- valuri sodi" jiddistingwuna minn pajjizi ohra.

X'jaghmlek Malti fl-2005?
Inkantaw flimkien: "Il-valuri sodi."
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