Brussels Blog
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
  Pajjizi strambi skond Houellebecq
a)Malta-b)Bruxelles-c)Lussemburgu. Il -bicca l-kbira tad-diaspora tar-Rebbiegha l-Gdida telqu minn a) u jinstabu, ghal ragunijiet ovvji, jew f'b) jew f'c). Min traducteur, min referendaire, min assistant, min stagiaire, min auxiliaire, min fonctionnaire u min "membru ewroparlamentari f'isem il-partit lejburista/nazzjonalista". Dawn ta' l-ahhar ta' spiss johorgu dawk li l-habib tieghi l-editur tal-iSprout isejjah "rather dry, meaningless, rectum-staring press releases."

S'issa ghadni ma lmahtx xufiera tax-xarabank Maltin, almenu fuq ir-rotta Trinite-Square de Meeus ("Full-up madame haqq olla"). Dawk kollha Wales marru?

Michel Houellebecq fir-rumanz qasir tieghu Lanzarote (sketch brillanti fuq it-turizmu modern) jghid (jew il-karattri tieghu jghidu) hekk:

They (English holiday makers)...gather in small groups and head for unlikely islands absent from Continental holiday brochures - Malta, Madeira or, indeed Lanzarote.

He spoke of Luxembourg as of a lost Eden, though it's common knowledge that it's a miniscule, mediocre country with no distinguishing characteristics - it's not even a country, more an assortment of dummy companies scattered over parkland, nothing but PO boxes for companies with a taste for tax evasion.

Belgium is an absurd country in steep decline; it is a country which should never have existed.

U by the way, the Germans "will go anywhere there's the sun" and the Italians "will go anywhere there's a cute ass".

Francis "Cannes" Zammit Dimech please note.
Belgium is an absurd country in steep decline; it is a country which should never have existed.

..but thankfully does.

Belgium 1 - Houellebecq 0

merhba fil-bloggosfera
Ustja, ghidt li l-gybexi kien se joqmos ghal din.

Merhba wkoll..
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