London Seven/ Seven
Mister - I am ok as I got to work early - but I can't get hold of anyone at the moment as all the mobile phone networks aren't working! Luckily I didn't go through Kings X this morning. Bex is in fine, Sarah, Mum, Dad and Julia and the kids aren't anywhere near central london - just checking up now on Richard and Nick and the girls.
Bzajt hafna l-bierah. Bzajt hafna. U kwazi fqajt il-hajt bid-daqqa ta' ponn li tajtu. Bastards, you bastards kienet l-ewwel ghajta tieghi. Il-kollega tieghi minn Madrid u nahseb fehemet. La hsibt fuq ir-ragunijiet u lanqas fuq is-soluzzjoni.
Tista' tirraguna mal-fundamentalizmu sfrenat? Tista' ssib raguni?
Ghext mill-qrib l-ispirtu stoiku ta' l-Inglizi u xtaqt naqsam maghkom email ohra li waslitli l-bierah fost il-gegwigija ta' telefonati, press conferences u breaking news. Hawn hi:
Funny one from Lena
Off home in 20 minutes
lov eyou mister
-----Original Message-----
we are not allowed to leave the office until 14.30.. got hungry and snuck out anyway, as the likelihood of a tailor made, pin striped suit clad suicide bomber sprinting down savil row to 'get me' felt highly unlikely.. living dangerously as always..~;0)I recon it was the French...