Brussels Blog
Friday, July 08, 2005
  A nation up its own arse
One major problem I had living in Malta was that I got the constant impression that this was a nation of people living up their own arse. From the archaic, self-important editorials of The Times, to the posing and preening of our political class, to the self-righteous letters to the editor gunning down anything from topless bathing ("seins nus interdits"), to homosexual couples, to cohabitation, to divorce, to the 'scandalous voting' at the latest cheese-fest in Istanbul ...anything really that allows these punters to establish a standpoint, judge others, take the moral high-ground and belt out their latest sermon. Yes, we're a nation of preachers. We shout, we badger, we always seem to want to convert someone into something or into someone else. There's always some 'major issue' round the corner and some prima donna all too ready to take a stand. If you consider the size of the place it has always seemed to me to be a very crowded stage. In a perverse way our talk-shows have made the situation even more unbearable.

When I went to Cyprus two years ago I was really curious to see whether this other small, Mediterranean island had the same revved-up attitude to life so I had a look at the English-language newspapers there. But I found no trace of hysteria or bickering or moral high-ground stances and certainly no quotes from the Book of Job.

And while every country I've lived in has its issues and debates, disagreements and conflicts, there always seem to be enough eccentricities and diversities to make moral finger-wagging look out-of-place, ridiculous or simply dead boring.

I also sense this tension in the more progressive journalists in Malta. Underneath the guise of discussing 'issues' you always sense that their aim is actually to prove that they know better, that they're the dog's bollocks, that their life-plan is just spot-on. Tolerance is seriously missing. We've developed into a nation of absolutists and status-seekers. The bickering fans its own flames. The bitchiness feeds on itself. There's always some finger-wagging going on. And folks dig deeper up their own bum. Taking themselves far too seriously while they're at it. Maybe it's because people need excitement and the distractions are sparse. At any rate, it always felt claustrophobic.

I was attracted by the Maltese blogging scene because I sensed an interesting path away from all this.

Hats off guys.

Let's keep it healthy.
hmmm. i've got this philosophy that since we feel we're part of England (an annex if you wish) we feel we're much bigger and more important than we actually are.

a friend asked me what my honest opinion of "malta and the people of malta" is. I said that it's a symbiotic relationship - Maltese people like to complain, Malta gives them plenty of things to complain about.
Deskrizzjoni eccellenti, Kurt!

Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Job, 4. 17

Inselli ghalik, David!

PS. Ghadni nistenna l-ewwel mossa tieghek fil-partita ta' postal chess...
Hmmm. wouldn't that mean that every small country with intimate links with a larger one should have the same effect on its folk? I'll monitor the press in Andorra for a few weeks and keep you posted.

Antoine - Deuteronomy 13:12-16 might have been more appropriate in these times of hyperterrorism.

Chess - Ili li bghattha! Tort tal-Maltapost did-darba zgur. :-)
Deuteronomy 13:12-16 - Kill everyone who has religious views that are different
than your own.

Hmmm... I wonder if Moses really said that. Shocking.

Nittama li nircievi l-ittra tieghek qabel Settembru... sadanittant nipprepara l-istrategija tieghi... iz-zwiemel u l-isqfijiet ghandhom is-sajf kollu biex jippreparaw irwiehhom ghall-battalja ;-)
Bil-haqq... how about a game of postal scrabble? Anyone up for it?
I'll open our Scrabble session with PRESUMES, inspired by Da Tajms' visionary editorial last Sunday.

"Such evil cannot PRESUME to be acting in the name of Allah."

Er, does just that.

Imma insomma, xrobtlok 50 punt bonus Antoine.

Your move!
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