Brussels Blog
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
  Reasons for blogging?
Dibattitu on-line fuq il-blogging madwar id-dinja:

I noted that Iceland (pop. 200-300,000) had more blogs than the rest of Scandinavia including Finland

I'm less surprised by the high number of Icelandic weblogs.
Since their whole country [not just a northern portion of it as in Scandinavia or Russia or Canada] has the six-month day and the six-month night, Icelanders have long developed a rather extreme and distinctive indoor culture for the winter.
Iceland used to lead world statistics in the 70s for newspaper and book reading per head, and for other lonely hobbies like postal chess for exactly this reason.
They're a completely natural nation for compulsive Internet use.
Postal chess, tajba din!!

It means that two people play chess by correspondence... each one has a chess board set up at home and they send each other a notation of their moves on paper. I imagine that had this phenomenon existed in Malta it would have taken years to complete the game, that's if no moves get lost in the post... thank goodnees for e-mail.

Ejja ha nibdew:
Queen's pawn e2-e4...
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ikolli nirrepeti l-kumment ta' antoine: postal chess, tajba din! (anzi nahseb "ostja!" toqghod ahjar)

we've got your queen. send money to this address if you want to see her alive again (halliha li qatt ma kienet alive imma insomma - ma rridx nidibatti s-semjotika ma' traduttur...)
Eee issa fhimt ghaliex ivvintaw il-famuz "messaggier tal-gvern" mela - biex jispiccaw il-loghba qabel.
Ha hajj! Tajba arcibald!
Hekk hu Rizzo! Imma jisthoqqilha blogg separat dik l-grajja! :-)
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