Brussels Blog
Thursday, September 22, 2005
  A Woman's World
After J'accuse exclusively covered Miss Italia 2005, some semi-sordid facts have surfaced about the winner of this year's contest. Edelfa Chiara Masciotta, described by J'accuse as Miss Normality, appears to be a tad more saucy than that. Photos have been unearthed which show Miss Masciotta sporting black fish-net tights, incredibly short skirts and posing in a way "incompatible with the standards one would normally expect of a national beauty contest". The facts date back to 2002 when Miss Masciotta took part in, and actually, won Miss Grand Prix 2002. (source La Repubblica)

An Italian blog also relativises the whole affair (we must point out at this stage that J'accuse sung the praises of another contestant - a certain Anna Munafo' - describing her as a Penelope Cruz lookalike. Miss Munafo' also attracted the curiosity of a certain Twanny Maqluba who came out of his intellectual hide-out in Qrendi to pronounce the immortal words "Mmmmmm boooooona!", much to the chagrin of the international feminist movement. We must also point out that J'accuse is a fervent Juventus fan)

Le news sono che la n.2 Anna Munafò è stata scelta da Giletti per Domenica In e che a febbraio inizierà a girare un film con Stefano Reali, insomma mi sa che alla poverina non è andata poi tanto male... invece a Edelfa toccherà la pubblicità con Del Piero nel migliore dei casi...
Giletti Juventin u l-ghazliet jaf jaghmilhom.
Intenni l-kumment super-superficjali li hallejt fuq Akkuza (tanto per cambiare), "Mmmmmmmmm boooooona!!!"

Il busillis pero' e' se le curve ce le ha pure nella mente... speriamo di si'....
the third one had a good arch guzé... that's the space between the thighs! (hope hsejjes does not read this one!)

nisperaw li l-awtur ta' lanzitote jitghallem jaghmel hyperlinks fil-post tieghu sabiex jibqghu jizdiedu l-hits ta' gakkuz.

dwar "juve fan" meta intuzat bhala deskrizzjoni dispreggjativa: a noi gli scudetti e la storia... alla rometta la lupa e due coglioni sotto.

Aqraw, aqraw hbieb!

Kummenti fuq Edelfa (Miss Grand Prix), la Munafo' (ta' J'accuse) u fuq in-number 3 (l-antimuza ta' Stagno)

Un campionato vinto dalla Roma vale 10 juventini. Forza lupi, son finiti i tempi cupi!
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