Are you a geek?
Fil-Waterstones ta' Hampstead, fuq l-istess mejda ma'
50 crappest towns in Britain u
Worst Holiday Destinations, sibt ktieb, forma ta'
questionnaire, li l-iskop tieghu hu li fl-ahhar il-qarrej jiskopri jekk huwiex denju tat-titolu "geek" (jew ubergeek, jew geekmeister skond il-puntegg li jtella').
Il-ktieb jinqasam f'diversi temi: Hobbies (kelma eminentement
geeky), Opinions, Dress sense, Eating Habits, Entertainment u ohrajn. Insibu, fost l-ohrajn, puntegg specjali ghall-uzu ta' dawk il-famuzi emoticons:
:-) ................. 1 geek point
:-( ................. 2 geek points
;-).................. 4 geek points
Jinghata ukoll puntegg gholi hafna ghal qarrejja ta'
Terry Pratchett li jirreferu ghall-awtur favorit taghhom bhala "that genius Pratchett", ghal persuni li akkwistaw il-box-set shih ta'
Lord of the Rings, ghal nies li ilhom ma jahslu l-lozor aktar minn xahar (3 punti) u ghal dawk li juzaw "FYI" fl-emails (1 geek point) u f'konversazzjoni normali (3 geek points). Hemm ukoll skeda ghal dawk li ghadhom jghixu mal-mummy,
in direct proportion to age. Is-sabiha hi li kulhadd kapaci jtella' puntegg ragjonevoli ta' geek points bla ma necessarjament jiehu t-trofew ta' ubergeek jew geekmeister.
Nipproponi li nibnu kompendju sabih ta' sitwazzjonijiet
geeky li niltaqghu maghhom. Per ezempju l-editur tat-Times u s-Sunday m'hemmx dubju li ghandhom track record tajjeb hafna ghar-rebh tat-titolu ta' ubergeeks fil-kategorija 'Journalism'.
Many young people, especially those from Northern countries, who visit Malta either on holiday or to study English,
or both, are often amazed at the seemingly unrestricted access which
their Maltese contemporaries, or younger, have to beer, wine and alcohol.
It is a moot point whether any country can adequately prepare itself enough for a natural calamity or disaster.
Nistenna bil-herqa l-kontribuzzjonijiet taghkom.