Brussels Blog
Monday, October 17, 2005
  Are you a geek?
Fil-Waterstones ta' Hampstead, fuq l-istess mejda ma' 50 crappest towns in Britain u Worst Holiday Destinations, sibt ktieb, forma ta' questionnaire, li l-iskop tieghu hu li fl-ahhar il-qarrej jiskopri jekk huwiex denju tat-titolu "geek" (jew ubergeek, jew geekmeister skond il-puntegg li jtella').

Il-ktieb jinqasam f'diversi temi: Hobbies (kelma eminentement geeky), Opinions, Dress sense, Eating Habits, Entertainment u ohrajn. Insibu, fost l-ohrajn, puntegg specjali ghall-uzu ta' dawk il-famuzi emoticons:

:-) ................. 1 geek point
:-( ................. 2 geek points
;-).................. 4 geek points

Jinghata ukoll puntegg gholi hafna ghal qarrejja ta' Terry Pratchett li jirreferu ghall-awtur favorit taghhom bhala "that genius Pratchett", ghal persuni li akkwistaw il-box-set shih ta' Lord of the Rings, ghal nies li ilhom ma jahslu l-lozor aktar minn xahar (3 punti) u ghal dawk li juzaw "FYI" fl-emails (1 geek point) u f'konversazzjoni normali (3 geek points). Hemm ukoll skeda ghal dawk li ghadhom jghixu mal-mummy, in direct proportion to age.

Is-sabiha hi li kulhadd kapaci jtella' puntegg ragjonevoli ta' geek points bla ma necessarjament jiehu t-trofew ta' ubergeek jew geekmeister.

Nipproponi li nibnu kompendju sabih ta' sitwazzjonijiet geeky li niltaqghu maghhom. Per ezempju l-editur tat-Times u s-Sunday m'hemmx dubju li ghandhom track record tajjeb hafna ghar-rebh tat-titolu ta' ubergeeks fil-kategorija 'Journalism'.

Many young people, especially those from Northern countries, who visit Malta either on holiday or to study English, or both, are often amazed at the seemingly unrestricted access which their Maltese contemporaries, or younger, have to beer, wine and alcohol.

It is a moot point whether any country can adequately prepare itself enough for a natural calamity or disaster.

Nistenna bil-herqa l-kontribuzzjonijiet taghkom.
Pratchett IS a genius. Full stop.
m'inix dilettant jien.

u kwalinkwe haga - film, board game jew ktieb - li fiha sahhar naqra scruffy tipo xi mahrub minn St. Vincent de Paule wara li "gawda mill-imhabba" ta' Furia Cavallo Selvaggio del West f'ghadira tajn u wara migja ghand l-iktar kappellier tan-nejk (specialist in ludicrous pointy hats) fl-Uzbekistan iddejaqni u mhux ftit...

hadt zball - "ludicrously"* (ktibtu f'inqas minn 20 sekonda dak il-kumment...).

(*ghax donnhu sar il-hobby ta' Jacques u ta' Fawstu jghamluha ta' l-ghalliema tas-sekondarja ta' l-ortografija ingliza fil-bloggs taghhom - Gradgrind and M'Choukumchild doing the rounds mid-dehera... ;p)
Star Wars jissemma' ukoll (jien niehu punt bhala fan ta' Darth and Co.) avolja ghadni ma semmejtx il-kelb "Chewie" (3 geek points)

Ta' "Full stop" Jacques haqqu mill-inqas 2 geek points.

Tal-bloggata fuq Daphne u David Lindsay Fausto Majjistral haqqu 4 geek points fil-kategorija "Facetiousness"
imma furia cavallo del west l-istess wiehed che beve solo caffe?
Gybexi: specialist in ludicrous pointy hats

Gybexi: hadt zball - "ludicrously"* (ktibtu f'inqas minn 20 sekonda dak il-kumment...)

Me: Always trust your gut feeling :-) Both are good but the first option reads better.
Always trust your gut feeling :-)

Grazzi Sharon... dak parir tajjeb hafna ghall-"great day" tal-11 ta' Novembru...

David, how many geek points / freak points for being addicted to blogging?
Several geek points I'm sure Twanny! "Are you a geek?" doesn't spare anyone who's caught the IT disease. Even owners of the "ultracool" iPod come under scrutiny.
wwitchite - actually I thought the first one was much better only after I posted the second one.

...not to get lost in semantic squabbles but I think they're quite different - the hats themselves are ludicrous in the first version, the extremity of the hats' pointiness is ludicrous in the second one.

enfin, they're pointy hats. something about them is ludicrous. pratchett sucks. so does harry potter. basta. :p
bex -- this post is about geeks, i.e. us and how we are providing an illustrative example by getting into a ... SEMANTIC SQUABBLE!! (Love them!) But i guess we should take the debate off this post before david hits us :) check your email...
Twan -- what is happening on November 11?
David -- I would have thought the iPod was cool only to geeks who want to block out the chatter etc :)
Hit you? As a blogger geek I'm thrilled when I see new comments posted from around the globe. :-)

Here's a lovely one for 1 iPod-connected geek point:

You've struck up a conversation with someone because they were a fellow early adopter (for example, someone else who had the white iPod earbuds a couple of years ago).
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