Brussels Blog
Thursday, October 06, 2005
  E-mail to Harry Vassallo
Dear Harry,

The situation is critical, since, as you say, it is "a country" which is deeply racist. Not the politicians, not the leaders but the people. Or, at least, from what I sense, a large proportion of the people.
This crisis calls for fundamental thinking and debate. Not just about this issue but about where we've gone wrong as a people. Debate is crucial and possibly the lack of real debate in the country is one of the causes of this ugly development. Your party has the credentials and track-record to be instrumental in this debate while young people should NOW stand up and be counted. They must write, debate, engage in politics. A few young people are attempting to challenge the status quo via a new, and interesting medium: blogging. Many important voices (yes, most of them living abroad already!) are voicing their worry, shock and anger as the situation develops. I feel the time has come to make our voice heard louder and I am sure that most of us will modestly attempt to do our bit.
Best regards and kuragg
Portable Lighting, hmmmm... kieku nghid li hemm bzonn li ndawlu certa nies halli tiftah mohhha... l-gharfien suppost igib ir-rispett, u r-rispett l-empatija... imma meta tqis li minkejja l-fjamma ta' l-Illuminizmu fis-seklu XX l-Ewropa ghaddiet minn zewg gwerer (minbarra bosti konflitti ohrajn), heqq, tibda tithasseb dwar jekk l-edukazzjoni verament taqdix dmirha... Aktar fuq hekk dalwaqt, skuzawni l-burdata cinika...
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