After Paris
It was to be expected. As
Mark has already pointed out, Malta’s far-rightists are having a field day and are gleefully hurling their ideological molotov cocktails all over the place after the Paris riots. Multiculturalism can’t work; multiculturalism is intrinsically wrong; this is what liberalism leads to. Wake up, Malta, they shout. But wait a minute guys. First of all, it would be very instructive should you care to follow the way in which French talk-shows and opinion columns are covering the events. Altro che Xarabank. But more importantly, did the Maltese government ever say that it was pursuing a liberal immigration policy? Did Michaeal Frendo or Lawrence Gonzi ever say that Malta would be a better place if it was more ‘multicultural’. Hardly. On the contrary. They seem to be doing their best to ship as many immigrants as possible out of the place while simply adhering to international obligations. We hardly risk emulating Brussels, London or Paris any time soon, guys, ne vous inquietez pas trop. Which obviously mans that those places are simply much more interesting, and less frustrating, to live in. But there you have it. In the meantime the liberal mob will just go on enjoying all the music, art, food and openness that multiculturalism has to offer. L-ikla t-tajba.