Bon anniversaire Courrier!
Courrier INTERNATIONAL is 15 years old and I've just picked up my own anniversary edition from the newsagent in DG RELEX - just the right place to pick up a copy, I thought. The concept is wonderful: all the articles are taken directly from the international press and translated into French so that in every edition, articles and editorials from around the world (from Egypt's Al Watan Al-Arabi to Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza to Japan's Nihon Keizai Shimbun) stand side-by-side, giving a wide panorama of views and perspectives. This week's bumper edition covers the main events tackled by Courrier since 1990 while a special supplement (La rage des banlieues) throws light (but not fire) on the riots in France. An article from Algeria's Le Quotidien d'Oran points a finger at France's policeforce. The New York Times compares the events in France to the fall-out after Katrina and claims that the anger of the most unfortunate was being expressed. Geneva's Le Temps focuses on the impact of blogs as the events unfolded. Hungary's Magyar Hirlap attacks the politically correct language used in France and proposes that the only solution is to put an end to immigration. Poland's Rzeczpospolita holds that the only remedy is a truly multicultural society. That's just a small sample.
During the 2003 countdown to the various referenda on EU membership, I even remember getting a glimpse of our own Times of Malta on Courrier's pages.
Go on! Buy your own copy!