Sigarett, sigarett s'il vous plait (from Midnight Express)
When I saw this
great photo of Stagno, I panicked for a minute or two. Could Stagno really be consciously adopting the trademark cigarette-between-second-and-middle-finger-of-right-hand stance which the gentleman of letters pictured above loves so dearly? The ultimate decadent statement in my eyes. I have debated this fascinating little detail in great depth with friends, concluding that the decadence stems from its manifest lack of practicality. It was with great relief that I realised that Stagno was letting other clues hint at the fact that he too is an acerbic chronicler of human misery...
I've nearly finished
La Possibilite. I'd love to translate some passages into Maltese and may give it a shot in the coming days as I think the language would lend itself beautifully to the savage wit, destructive thoughts and dirty humour. As well as the passages about the astoundingly rapid decline of religion in traditional societies.