Brussels Blog
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Silg Fuq Kemmuna charts the adventures of Bernard, a university student who feels totally dissatisfied with the quality of life in Malta but is unable to create an alternative to it. (The Times of Malta).

Sant wrote Silg in the 1970s. You can imagine that the word 'claustrophobia' cropped up fairly frequently. Here are a few escape-routes available to Bernard's imaginary offspring in 2005, courtesy of Sant's electoral defeats in 2003. Let's call his mythological little brats Chanel and Melisande for full pseudo-intellectual effect and let's imagine that Chanel votes Labour (bhad-daddy) and that Melisande likes the blues but has a soft spot for Harry too. And let's imagine that they too "feel totally dissatisfied with the quality of life in Malta". In fact let's imagine that they both agree with Sant's protege Stagno that it's a pretty genital place to be.

Chanel might be:
1) propping up a Labour MEP in the European Parliament as his 'assistant'.
2) working as a translator in Luxembourg: "if you can't beat them join them, heqq".
3) biding her time as a newscaster at Super One while waiting to become Commissioner George Vella's sexy chef-de-cabinet
4) doing a degree in European Politics at Uppsala University. Kemm huma helwin dawk il-bjondi!

Melisande might be:
1) churning out judgments at the Court in Luxembourg (and writing a blog called je m'amuse)
2) working at the Commission Delegation in Malta - on 'media matters'.
3) doing a stage with le Commissaire pour la Peche
4) the only Brussels-based journalist from the sunny island of Malta

Not bad at all considering that Bernard must have done himself in weighing those darn alternatives...
More of an imaginary sequel than a review. But spoofing apart - bloody relevant too. Glad you took 'protege' well. It's a nice word isn't it?

use later tonight?
It must be Oliver since my dad just sent me an sms from Milan...sellili xorta, pero', mela le. U ghidilhom li ghadek kemm qrajt abbozz-spoof ta' sequel ghal Silg minn certu Friggieri iehor jghix Brussels. You can also give them the gist if you like ;-) Sweet, sweet coincidences, man! Sant - the intellectual, I like. Sant - the politician - much, much less.
maybe but I disagreed vehemently and publicly with his take on foreign affairs which would've led to isolation, less freedom, claustrophobia and a terrible feeling of being left out in the cold. literally silg fuq kemmuna.

ghidli kif ikun mar il-launch.
talking of claustrophobia, you're gonna like this Stagno:

sms from Friggieri pere after I informed him about our short exchange, the launch and all that:

"Stagno mewga helwa fil-bahar stagnat"
tistghu tghiduli kif il-madonna tiddeciedu taghmlu diskursata pseudointellettwali fis-7.11 ta' filghodu?
appart li "Stagno mewga helwa fil-bahar stagnat" setghet ukoll kienet "stagno qallut zghir jiggalleggja f'nofs bajja mniggza f'awissu" :)
Tajba j'abuse.
Issa mur kull ftit xukrutt.
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