Brussels Blog
Sunday, December 18, 2005
  Bejn il-Limbu u Dona Flor

Restaurant Dona Flor Brasil - 375, Chaussee de Waterloo
The Living Room - Chaussee de Charleroi

Last night several members of the liberal elite met up in the Belgian capital and established the following facts:

1) the Vatican is really closing down Limbo;
2) the statement "most Maltese football matches are fixed or rigged" is nothing more than an urban legend;
3) some people would rather follow Floriana - Belt than Milan-Juve given the choice;
4) the village of Nadur in Gozo was once actually re-named New York;
5) the village of Qala in Gozo was once actually re-named Calcutta;
6) discos in Gozo change their name frequently. Thus Legends, Planet, Thunder and more recently Ku-Club (cul club?) describe the same venue over time. Virtual variety.
7) most Maltese male members of the liberal elite approve of those shiny, glittering objects stuck to the back of blue jeans worn by females of the species. Gozitans approve too;
8) watching Bruges-Roma live in the UEFA Cup is an equally attractive proposition to members of the liberal elite. Even if this entails catching a 3-hour train from Luxembourg plus a one-hour drive;
9) the ANR should be invited to participate in a study-tour of Brussels, in particular the restaurant Dona Flor Brasil.

Several Brahma beers and caipirinhas later, once these facts were set in stone, the liberal elite proceded to issue the following statement at a sparesly attended press conference as the snow fell outside, the last drinks were downed and the last patrons of The Living Room (described as il-Havana imma iktar chic) left the establishment. Wait for it...

Illum qbilna li l-problema ewlenija ta' pajjizna hija kulturali u li ghalxejn nittamaw li l-partiti jistghu joffru s-soluzzjoni. Imma minn fejn tibda?

And as an after-thought:

Forsi ahjar jerghu jifthuh il-Limbu.

[NB: the process leading up to this important conclusion did not involve the official appointment of a board of inquiry]
Compare and contrast the following news reports and elicit any conclusions one may draw from the exercise:
On 17.12.2005 at 4.39 CET, EUObserver issued this piece.
On 18.12.2005 The Malta Independent carried this piece of headline news.

Legends/Thunder/Ku Club is not the same place as Planet.
Il-bierah iltqajt ma' Mejlak il-Waterstones u qalli: "j'accuse kiteb biex jghid li hadna zball, issa inwiegbu jien ghax HU ghandu zball"

Fil-fatt qal: "dak minghalih Ghawdxi u m'hu Ghawdxi xejn".

izda jkolli nammetti li qisni niftakar li t-Thunder u l-Planet kienu jezistu fl-istess hin. Kont mort.

grazzi john.

The ball is in Mejlak's court...

u forza Werder Bremen.
mela, zomm daqsxejn.

Il-Legends, it-Thunder u l-XS Club huma kollha ismijiet ta' post wiehed (is-sala tal-kazin ta' l-iljun), le?

U l-Planet u l-KU Club huma post iehor, wara l-kazin ta' l-istilla.

Pero, Jacques, il-KU Club u l-Planet huma l-istess post.

Nahseb xi haga hekk. Imma anyway, li hemm komuni bejn dawn kollha huwa li fihom, bazikament, tingabar l-istess karfa.

David, John u Jacques - il-festi t-tajba :)
Bonswa minn Madrid :-)

Hasra li ma stajtx nattendi ghall-konvenju ta' l-Elit Liberali. Zgur kont niehu pjacir innizzel il-minuti!!

Jekk il-Bambin irid inkun hemm ghal-laqgha li jmiss.

Tislijiet lil kulhadd, u L-FESTI T-TAJBA.

!Hola cabron!

Il-Festi t-Tajba lilek ukoll.

Qis li meta terga' tersaq lejn dawn l-inhawi tavzana minn qabel.
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