Brussels Blog
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
  World Cup Countdown quiz

Lanzarote invites you to a) name these two famous football players and the clubs they play for and to b) match them with their corresponding Maltese twin among the MT blogging community.

Correct answers do NOT win you free tickets to the German World Cup as attempts to obtain any for myself failed miserably.

However, those sending in the first correct answers get a beer of their choice in a top Brussels watering hole.
Wieħed minnhom mhux Kourani jew xi ħaġa hekk, tal-Ġermanja?

naħseb nixtiebhu.

Ġibli birra. Tenks
Le, hija. Lil Kevin Kuranyi hemm xi hadd iehor jixbhu hafn'izjed...

roll up, roll up
Kieku nghid li Kuranyi jixbah ftit lil Gybexi... l-iehor huwa Materazzi, imma t-tewmi tieghu ma nafx min jista' jkun. Jixbah ftit lil Twanny-18... imma minn dakinhar 'l hawn ghaddew kwazi ghaxar snin u tqawwejt mhux ftit.
e vera...Mejlak

u l-iehor?
Mela issa tista' ggibli birra.

tenks egejn
"Notte Brava" kollu kemm hu. L-iehor m'ghandix idea pero'.
Mela - nahseb it-tlieta haqqkom Leffe/Chimay/Barbar/Fruit Defendu.

It-twegibiet kellhom ikunu:

Player A
Kevin Kuranyi
Schalke 04 - Germanja
Pierre J. Mejlak (fula maqsuma)

Player B
Marco Materazzi
Internazionale - Italia
Mark Vella (izjed ghax-xehta generali u ghal-loghob goff ta' certa notorjeta' milli ghax-xebh preciz)

Tistghu ssarrfu l-vouchers dal-weekend jekk tridu.
Jien nixbah lil Materazzi? U liema loghob goff??

Jien aktar hsibtu jixbah lilek b'dak ix-xaghar ala David u Joe Friggieri, JR Zammit fi zmien il-KSU, u kull budding advocate Malti fid-90 ijiet.
ghandu ragun mark vella. ma jixbahx materazzi. mark vella iktar qisu teletubby.
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Igifieri tridha ta' Kuranyi mhux ta' Materazzi. Ok.

Kull budding advocate? Mela kont tahsibna rock 'n roll hemm gew jew? Hlief ghal Tufigno, Joe (vjolin) Chetcuti, J-R u erbgha ohra ma niftakarx xi ammont kbir ta' xaghar twil. Ir-Rizzo zgur ma kellux xaghru twil insomma...
He he...kieku kull min kiteb hawn (jien inkluz) kellu jiltaqa' f'bar zgur alla jahsbuna qed nikkonfoffaw f'isem l-islam. L-aktar bi Twanny mixhut pensieroso ghall-ahhar...
Lil Toni Sant tghidulu b'xejn l-ahwa, ghax vera nispiccaw ottu.
jaqaw l-ewwel wiehed l-iljun tal-belt wara li qaxrulu xaghru kompletament...?
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