Brussels Blog
Sunday, January 08, 2006
  Never mind the Ewro, feel the Pound
So now it's ewro fever.

Thanks to people like her, we had a ten-year scrap about l-Ewropa. Geez, thanks Sharon Ellul Bonici. Great to know we can call ourselves euro-realists (should we choose to) thanks to your post-lunch tete-a-tete with your French friend in the European Parliament. And while you're at it, cut out the moralising crap for fuck's sake. Which reminds me. How about banning hypocrite politicians from pasting photos of themselves shaking JPII's hand in those kitch pre-election leaflets? Especially the Socialists. And then she wonders (again) why divorce hasn't been introduced in Malta. It will, it will...

But back to the ewro. Zemploid thinks that we should get real, while Twanny and the Kunsill Nazzjonali believe there's a linguistic reason for insisting we should spell it 'ewro'. I'm sure there is but I always thought that the rules on spelling cowboy/kowboj, union/unjin and dish-washer/dixx-waxxer (or is it magna ghall-hasil tal-platti?) were not YET set in stone. At least, that's my impression. So why INSIST on euro?

And by the way. We still say 1o pounds when we mean 1o Maltese liri. Don't we? Bloody Brits.

Il-bloggata tiegħek tellajtha ħames minuti qabel jien tellajt tiegħi. Meta tkun qrajtha (ara wkoll it-tieni kumment tiegħi fil-blogg ta' Zemploid dwar l-importanza li l-kwistjoni tinqata' malajr), nitkellmu.

Il-każ ta' kliem bħal dishwasher/dixxwaxer, cowboy/kawboj eċċ. huwa problema li tirrigwarda l-integrazzjoni ta' kliem Ingliż fil-Malti - hemm erba' fażijiet li kelma missellfa trid tgħaddi minnhom sakemm tkun aċċettata bħala parti integra ta' l-ilsien Malti. Jekk jinteressak, ara l-introduzzjoni tal-Gwida għall-Ortografija ta' Carmel Azzopardi. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-każ ta' euro/ewro huwa differenti - hawnhekk m'aħniex qegħdin nitkellmu dwar l-integrazzjoni ta' kelma barranija, iżda dwar il-ħolqien ta' kelma billi jittieħdu l-ewwel żewġ sillabi ta' isem il-kontinent Ewropa.

Nispera li fissirt ruħi sewwa.
In Italy, there was also an extended debate what the plural of euro should be; euro or euri.
This problem will also come to Malta in time. I'm also worried about how we'll translate "our euros" into a one word compound form.
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