Brussels Blog
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I love the way different strands have this beautiful knack of coming together in the most unexpected ways. Tourism, Happiness and the George Cross Issue converge in this letter to the Independent.

Let's get together, right now, in sweet harmony...
Rajtha dal-għodu jien ukoll.

And no people were more courageous during the last war – the George Cross was richly deserved.
Phil and Jill Laister
Devon, UK

I appreciate their admiration of Malta and the Maltese, but don't you find this compliment annoyingly patronising??
Why not the Victoria Cross? And why should courage be measured with the medals given by a monarchy??
Fair enough, Zemp. As the British like to say, they're just being nice, after all.

But the implications of such a compliment -albiet unwitting- reveal certain facts which I believe do need to be questioned, rather than being accepted qisu xejn mhu xejn.
albiet --> albiet

Skużawni... inħlibt il-lum
Il-Madonna tal-ħniena...


Naħseb aħjar immur norqod
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