Brussels Blog
Saturday, January 21, 2006
  Sustainable Tourism
It's pointing-fingers and moralising time again folks. Malta's falling apart.

Instead of investing all their energy into building property empires or getting involved in constructive things like local politics, Malta's young people are just hell-bent on getting a couple of cheap kicks. But, you'll see kids, ecstasy and alcohol don't mix well. And, hey, you can always discover Jesus when it all goes tits up.

What a load of Jackson.

But I'm going to throw my two ewros worth into the sorry story anyway because I don't want to let 'pillars of society' like Frank accuse me of being complacent.

We're looking in all the wrong places for the culprit guys. I mean, isn't it clear? If you're really damn serious, put your money where your mouth is. Stamp out language schools! Now! If you think sex, booze and hedonism are going to wreck Malta's future generations, you've got to close down EF. Just close the tap on them loose Scandinavians. And French. And Czechs. And the Italians too. I won't even mention the Russians. Come on what're you waiting for? What? Francis Zammit Dimech won't like your plan? Easy, convince him that cultural tourism's the future. But what about the 500,000 beer-guzzling Brits who just love our Costa Del Fifty Quid? Bollocks to them. They can go to Ayia Napa.

Glossary: Jackson (slang): Jackson Pollock: Bollocks
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