Ta' Malajr
#1 Salzburg post meraviljuz u l-hype (li bzajt ftit minnu qabel ma mort) madwar il-Mozart Woche ma tantx jinhass. Pjuttost rajna toroq vojta, nuqqas sabih ta' turisti u ritmu andante. Forsi ghax kulhadd kien qieghed ghall-irdoss fil-bruwereis ipinnet l-iSteigl u jomghod il-wurst. Jew ghax ma hadux l-opportunita' li
'jibbrandjaw' lil pajjizhom sew meta ghazlu s-simboli ghall-euro. Min jaf.
#2 Kwintett ghall-klarinett KV 581...
#3 Hassejt li l-Awstrija post 1980s immens. Xaghar, ilbies, l-atmosfera fl-beer halls, vitrini.
#4 Ma' hajt fit-telgha li taghti ghall-Kapucineberg ilmaht "We were here, Ing (?) and Jane, Malta, 15.o5.o4".
#5 Bdejt naqra Bienvenu dans le Desert du Reel ta' Slavoj Zizek li ghandu kapitlu jismu Le Bonheur apres le 11 septembre. Fih jibda billi janalizza ghaliex in-nies kienu kuntenti fic-Cekoslovakkja fi tmiem is-sebghajnijiet u fis-snin tmenin:
Les trois conditions fondamentales du bonheur y etaient remplis:
1.) les besoins materiels de base etaient satisfaits - mais pas completement...
2.) tout ce qui allait mal etait imputable a l'Autre (au Parti); personne ne se sentait vraiment responsable...
3) il y avait un Espace Autrui (l'Occident consumeriste) auquel il etait permis de rever et qu'il etait possible de visiter parfois - un lieu qui se trouvait a la bonne distance: ni trop loin ni trop pres.
#7 And to round off, here's a splendid one that Vlad will certainly enjoy and that others should associate with. At least remotely. It's from The Encyclopedia of Modern Life:
Knights of the realm It's the 21st century and thus fairly safe to assume that we have reached the end of the Middle Ages - yet people are still being knighted. But most of them don't even have any armour and can't ride horses at all, let alone well enough to do jousting. They don't even get together round a round table. The only way this concept could mean anything is if, next time there's a war, Mick Jagger and David Frost led the charge. In fact, that would be really good for so very many reasons.