Brussels Blog
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monet working on his boat, Argenteuil
Edouard Manet (1874)

It is reported that after this picture was painted, Monet insulted Manet by calling him an intellobranleur. The term is a synthesis of intello (short for intellectual) and branleur (a wanker).

Ostra - gejt lura wara lejla futbol, dahk minn dak is-sabih nett u skoperta ta' l-ghaliex hemm "j" (minflok "i") f' "Mejlak". U nsib bloggeficina. Ghal Twanny din - "bloggeficina": battalja qalila bejn giex bloggejja jew aktar li tintemm f'dellirju demm.

Wankellectual tiela' u wankellectual niezel, martyrs and satyrs, avukati u poeti, violence and balls, butts and Kinnie, daqqiet ta' ponn u ponn t'Alla. U juices ukoll madonna. Almenu ma ergajniex semmejnihom lin-naghag ta' Bendu. Issa nista' nikteb hafna fuq li gara u ma garax jew fuq kif it-tfajla, meta spjegajtilha daqxejn ghaliex jien u j'accuse bdejna ntuwwha fuq sheep u mhux sheep, qaltli "it sounds a bit Maltese to me, too little space.This town ain't big enough for the both of us." Imma l-battibekk, childish kemm tridu, hadtu with a pinch of salt. Meta qalli Dolly's Zygote u qrajtha fuq l-iskrin ix-xoghol, dahhakni wahda sew. Tal-cloning ghadni ma fhimthiex, sincerament, u lil Pierre staqsejtu hu jafx xi jrid jghid biha. Gewni f'mohhi skecc fejn Monet jghajjar lil Manet chevre (naghga) u intellobranleur (wankellectual bil-Franciz) ghax seraqlu l-idea. Jew Da Vinci jitnejjek b'Picasso ghax l-ispanjol ghamel cut and paste minn dan u mill-iehor u li d-Demoiselles d'Avignon ma tiswiex karlin.

Imma ppreferejt nikkompara lili u lil j'accuse ma' Faniello u ma' Lawrence Grey.

Nahseb Toni kellu dal-battibekk f'mohhu meta kiteb il-bloggata tieghu. Dalghodu meta kont qed insuq lejn ix-xoghol hsibt li d-diskors ta' Dolly u mhux Dolly, fil-fatt kien hafna izjed interessanti minn semplici tghajjira bejn giex isolani u li minn dit-tghajjira nistghu noholqu progett helu jekk irridu.

Lil Mark innehilu l-kappell li mis-suf tan-naghag niseg erba' hsibijiet (vjolenti) li ta' min wiehed jaghti kashom. U lil Pierre nitolbu skuza li l-lista li wieghedtu (u li diga qattajna l-isbah nofs siegha nidhku biha) se jkollha tistenna ftit. Minflok hawn din. Only for the big boys, s'intendi.

Public conveniences, lack of
Thank God for McDonald's. As a pleasing bonus, when you relieve yourself in McDonald's without purchasing one of their special patties of death, you are quite literally taking the piss out of them. Actually, no - you're quite literally giving piss to them. Anyway they don't like it.
Bookies are also very handy for a cheeky wiz. And pubs. Except the one I popped into in Manchester in 2001 where the burly landlord made me buy a lemonade on reappearance from the lav on pain of a punch in the face. The fat bastard.
What the hell are you two queens on about?
It's more than two. And Queens should be capitalised. Puhleeeze.
We're just attempting to emulate Salvu Balzan and Daphne CG having a go at each other.

Vlad - the book I mentioned to you once has this wonderful piece called "Arguments between equally objectionable celebrities" which sums it up nicely. (and I'm not saying that I'm a celebrity)
David: a tip from a tautologist. Go to the view html mode in the modify post and after the url of the painting and the description of intelobranleur press enter and inset a break like this: (BR /) using < brackets instead of the ones I used.

You can then return to the post in Compose mode, highlight the rest of the article and justify it differently. I am sure Kenneth can explain this much better but it saves you from using one justification throughout (as it seems to be now).

PS. In that case you can be Salvu thankyouverymuch.
and.. it's nice that you decided to keep your hat on after all but it makes me look a downright wanker (without the intellectual)doesn't it coz i seem to be referring to an inexistent post!

But then maybe that was the aim of the editing in which case Ha Ha Ha very funny. :) (that's a smiley)
Jacques - cheers for the IT advice but i didn't get the point.

Vis keeping my hat on: the truth is I wrote the piece last night with two pints of Guiness in my head. By the time I woke up this morning I guessed I was being a bit too nice to a guy who had (after all) accused me of intellectual plagiarism!

But I'm glad that you grasped the general drift of what I wrote.

Dolly G
oh no. don't worry. you were not being too nice at all... and the accusation stands. After all what's in a name.
Jekk qed nifhem sew...

What Dr. J'Accuse is trying to say is that the content of your post should be justified, and not centred.

To avoid messing around with HTML, choose (highlight) a paragraph at a time while in Compose view (in your Blogger Dashboard) and set the alignment (justify) every time.
I've got used to the centred text in Lanzarote now... I think you should keep it that way, part of your own blogging style. Ħallik mill-justify!!

Dwar it-terminu bloggefiċina, grazzi... tista' żżommha.
Cheers for the tips Kenneth.
Just left a comment on J'Accuse now. If you need any further help, drop me a line on wizgha [at] gmail...
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