Brussels Blog
Thursday, February 09, 2006
  Ejja mmorru sas-Swings

Peter Snow and his famous Swingometer
I'll allow Jacques to wade through the latest Lorna classic (it's his territory and it's all maths anyway) but I couldn't help noting that we may have a Peter Snow in the making. She just needs to sex up the dossier a little bit. U hallikom mill-"perspex"! That's yesterday's thing.
(NB: the man is quick. By the time I got the links in place he had already come up with his parody.)
dazgur... leave the maths to me...

No way Hosé.

meanwhile you need to fix the time on your blog. Your posting time seems to be San Francisco not Brussels time.
L-għerq tal-ġimgħa #14: BNDL

Xi eżempji:

Ejja mmorru sal-bandli
Il-bloggs ġejjin bil-bandla l-lum!
Dik pinnura: titbandal bejn l-analiżi matematika u l-kitba kreattiva (aħem) skond l-interessi tagħha

p.s. Mhux biex nikkoreġi ovvjament... u iva naf li hemm żewġ żbalji fil-poeżija li tellajt il-bieraħ (ħaqq għall-ħmara!), il-lejla nikkoreġihom...
Grazzi ta' l-gherq Twan.
Missek issegwi l-programm fuq il-BBC jismu Balderdash and Piffle. Igguwgiljaha.

U le, hin ta' Frisco se nhallih, akkuza. Post eccezzjonali. U hemm hafna jazz ukoll.
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