Brussels Blog
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Toni Sant certainly has a point when he says that the Eurovision Song Contest has its own legacy, like it or not. After all, here we are, discerning members of the public, discussing Fabrizio Faniello's hairstyle and crap lyrics. Again. There are some things that simply pull you in. Whether it's to cheer on the sex god from Cyprus, or to compare and contrast the line-up of stunning totty from Eastern Europe (the line 'man, these Eastern European birds just do my head in' invariably crops up during ESC nights with friends), or to listen to Terry Wogan's wise-cracks about reindeer or that Estonian bloke's leather trousers. Millions watch it, millions look forward to it and millions (well, let's say thousands) take it seriously.

But my question, following Toni's thumbs-up to the Warewolves from Finland, is this: when will Malta pick someone eccentric to represent it at Eurovision? When will we ditch the 'sultry Mediterranean looks', 'angelic voice' and 'pop chick' for someone slightly mad? When, in other words, will we pick a line-up of a capella nuns or a group calling itself 'Hunting is Cool and We Don't Give a Toss'? Any ideas Toni? Until then it's going to be (yet) another summer night frolicking in white linen shirts on hackneyed sandy beaches with imaginary models while another cliched sunset reminds us how bloody seriously we take ourselves.
Earnest update from Maltarightnow about Toni's faves Lordi: Dan x'aktarx minħabba li Lordi hu grupp li mhux soltu naraw bħalu fil-Eurovision.Minbarra l-mużika bi stil hard rock, għandhom ukoll il-kostum li jirrifletti l-istil tagħhom. Il-ġurnalisti ma naqsux milli jistaqsuhom dwar kemm idumu biex jagħmlu l-irtokk kif ukoll dwar l-effett li d-dehra tagħhom tħalli fuq it-tfal. Il-membri tal-grupp, minkejja d-dehra pjuttost raffa tagħhom, wieġbu għall-mistoqsijiet kollha tal-ġurnalisti anke wara li temmew il-konferenza stampa.
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