Brussels Blog
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lots of work, the splendid weather and great party atmosphere in the town that Saviour Balzan thinks is too boring and grey, has kept me away from the keyboard. There's something intrinsically wasteful about cooping yourself up at home in front of a laptop when the cafes are bursting with life and the sunshine beckons. World Cup fever is alive and well in Brussels as you can expect from a town whose expat community is probably only second to London's multicultural (but very British) scene. Today's UK Independent (known for its original front pages) featured photos of 32 UK-based 'immigrants' from the 32 nations participating in this World Cup, surrounding the title 'England Expects'.

Tomorrow the real fun starts. I'll be travelling across the border to Hannover with colleague and mate Mauro to watch the ever-suffering azzurri take on tough tackling Ghana. I hope that the spirit of '82 propels them to great heights in spite of all the bad vibes they've had to endure following Juventopoli. But the story of how I managed to get the ticket for the game is unbelievably intimately connected to Luciano Moggi and involves a particularly disgruntled Juve-supporting dad. So in many ways I should be thanking Lucianone. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Bring on the face paint!

Kont se ngħid, fejn mortilna ras?

Ħu gost għada xbin, u jekk tieħu l-kamera miegħek ittellagħlna xi ritratti, ħa ndaħħlu daqsxejn esperjenza friska u diretta fil-blogg tal-Werld Kapp!

Irċevejt l-istedina li bgħattlek? U Notte Brava fejn sparixxa? Niżel Ruma diġà?
Grazzi Twann
Wasalt lura Brussell. Nixtieq nikteb bloggata dwar il-mawra fil-Bassa Sassonja, Hannover, il-Ganizi u l-gowls ta' Pirlo u Iaquinta. Nahseb forma ta' rappurtagg se tkun - tipo Ivan Camilleri in Brussels jew Toni Sant in Athens. Nipprova niktibha wara Brazil-Kroazja, forsi ma tafx kif inkun nista' nigbed sieq il-j'accuse...

a dopo e forza azzurri!
Insejt - Notte Brava Mejlak
imhabba(t) hafna dan l-ahhar. Prioritajiet, prioritajiet...Nghiduha kif inhi bejn blogg u loghba futbol, loghba futbol. bejn blogg u mara sabiha, mara sabiha. bejn blogg u alfaromeo, alfaromeo...e cosi via...

pero' nahseb ghadu ma nizilx ruma, le
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