Brussels Blog
Gharwenin huta
La mostra si chiama "La nuda verità" e nudi sono i visitatori. Per i responsabili del Leopold Museum di Vienna non c'è nessun problema. Anzi, sono stati loro a invitare la gente a presentarsi senza vestiti, dato che nella capitale austriaca fa molto caldo. Non è obbligatorio andarci nudi, ma si risparmia il prezzo del biglietto. Trattamento di favore anche per i più pudichi, che non possono fare a meno del costume da bagno o degli slip
(minn La Repubblica on line)
Signs of our Times
Spotted at Notting Hill Gate:
Service InformationDate: 26 July 2005Time: All dayNOTICE TO ALL PASSENGERSPlease do not run on the platforms or concourses.Especially if you are carrying a rucksack, wearing a big coat or look a bit foreignThis notice is for your own safety. Thankyou.
In - Ninteen-Sixties
In Silg fuq Kemmuna I stressed as a theme the way by which Maltese youth were changing their aspirations and lifestyles as a reaction to the growing openness of their society. But I wrote the book between 1970 and 1973...
Alfred Sant fl-Indy tat- 12 ta' Lulju
Ili ftit nahseb li kull haga li ddejjaqna f'Malta (hlief forsi t-toroq) hija frott tal-fatt li fil-verita' il-pajjiz qatt ma tghammed bl-ilma, jew ahjar bl-inbid, tas-sittinijiet. Nistaqsi: l-attitudnijiet li jirritawna (jew li issa, mill-boghod, jipprovokawlna tbissima) u li jiktbu dwarhom hafna bloggejja, b'xi mod jew iehor huma marbutin ma' dan il-vakum temporali? U jekk m'ghaddejniex mis-sittinijiet
fis-sittinijiet meta ghaddejna minnhom? Jew ghaddejjin minnhom issa? Jew sempliciment ghamilna fastforward, qlibna s-6 fuq saqajh, u sibna ruhna fid-disghajnijiet bil-hangups li kellhom il-bqija tletin sena ilu? U jekk, kif donnu jhoss Sant, ghaddejna minnhom, kif ghadna qed niddiskutu l-affarijiet qisna m'ghaddejniex minnhom? U jekk m'ghaddejniex minnhom, imma l-girien taghna iva, kif niddiskutu kollox qisna qed nivvintaw ir-rota mill-gdid? Jew ghaddew minnhom
huma u jien li twelidt fis-76 m'ghandix idea minn xiex ghaddew? Jew forsi dan kollu illuzjoni - mhux talli ghaddejna mis-sittinijiet imma ahna l-izjed poplu imhawwad li qatt ghex taht il-passata zebgha tal-omeliji tal-Hadd, il-Muzew u l-
ittri-kwotazzjonijiet bibblici lill-editur?
Pero' tal - "growing openness of their society" naraha mgebbda wahda sew Alfredo.
U nhallikom b'din, li forsi japprezzawha shabi l-bruxellois:
Le point sur Bruxelles by night: j'ai commence tout d'abord par boire de la biere blanche en mangeant une sole d'Ostende. Puis une irresistible envie m'a pris d'uriner sur le Mannekin Pis (qui apres tout nous pisse dessus depuis 400 ans).
A nation up its own arse
One major problem I had living in Malta was that I got the constant impression that this was a nation of people living up their own arse. From the archaic, self-important editorials of The Times, to the posing and preening of our political class, to the self-righteous letters to the editor gunning down anything from topless bathing ("seins nus interdits"), to homosexual couples, to cohabitation, to divorce, to the 'scandalous voting' at the latest cheese-fest in Istanbul ...anything really that allows these punters to establish a standpoint, judge others, take the moral high-ground and belt out their latest sermon. Yes, we're a nation of preachers. We shout, we badger, we always seem to want to convert someone into something or into someone else. There's always some 'major issue' round the corner and some prima donna all too ready to take a stand. If you consider the size of the place it has always seemed to me to be a very crowded stage. In a perverse way our talk-shows have made the situation even more unbearable.
When I went to Cyprus two years ago I was really curious to see whether this other small, Mediterranean island had the same revved-up attitude to life so I had a look at the English-language newspapers there. But I found no trace of hysteria or bickering or moral high-ground stances and certainly no quotes from the Book of Job.
And while every country I've lived in has its issues and debates, disagreements and conflicts, there always seem to be enough eccentricities and diversities to make moral finger-wagging look out-of-place, ridiculous or simply dead boring.
I also sense this tension in the more progressive journalists in Malta. Underneath the guise of discussing 'issues' you always sense that their aim is actually to prove that they know better, that they're the dog's bollocks, that their life-plan is just spot-on. Tolerance is seriously missing. We've developed into a nation of absolutists and status-seekers. The bickering fans its own flames. The bitchiness feeds on itself. There's always some finger-wagging going on. And folks dig deeper up their own bum. Taking themselves far too seriously while they're at it. Maybe it's because people need excitement and the distractions are sparse. At any rate, it always felt claustrophobic.
I was attracted by the Maltese blogging scene because I sensed an interesting path away from all this.
Hats off guys.
Let's keep it healthy.
London Seven/ Seven
Mister - I am ok as I got to work early - but I can't get hold of anyone at the moment as all the mobile phone networks aren't working! Luckily I didn't go through Kings X this morning. Bex is in fine, Sarah, Mum, Dad and Julia and the kids aren't anywhere near central london - just checking up now on Richard and Nick and the girls.
Bzajt hafna l-bierah. Bzajt hafna. U kwazi fqajt il-hajt bid-daqqa ta' ponn li tajtu. Bastards, you bastards kienet l-ewwel ghajta tieghi. Il-kollega tieghi minn Madrid u nahseb fehemet. La hsibt fuq ir-ragunijiet u lanqas fuq is-soluzzjoni.
Tista' tirraguna mal-fundamentalizmu sfrenat? Tista' ssib raguni?
Ghext mill-qrib l-ispirtu stoiku ta' l-Inglizi u xtaqt naqsam maghkom email ohra li waslitli l-bierah fost il-gegwigija ta' telefonati, press conferences u breaking news. Hawn hi:
Funny one from Lena
Off home in 20 minutes
lov eyou mister
-----Original Message-----
we are not allowed to leave the office until 14.30.. got hungry and snuck out anyway, as the likelihood of a tailor made, pin striped suit clad suicide bomber sprinting down savil row to 'get me' felt highly unlikely.. living dangerously as always..~;0)I recon it was the French...
Reasons for blogging?
Dibattitu on-line fuq il-blogging madwar id-dinja:I noted that Iceland (pop. 200-300,000) had more blogs than the rest of Scandinavia including Finland
I'm less surprised by the high number of Icelandic weblogs.
Since their whole country [not just a northern portion of it as in Scandinavia or Russia or Canada] has the six-month day and the six-month night, Icelanders have long developed a rather extreme and distinctive indoor culture for the winter.
Iceland used to lead world statistics in the 70s for newspaper and book reading per head, and for other lonely hobbies like
postal chess for exactly this reason.
They're a completely natural nation for compulsive Internet use.
Graspop, Klapisch, Aristocrats, Le Silence
Graspop Metal MeetingAn eight-hour bonanza of what my friend Viktor called "the last high-priests of an obsolete religion". It might be obsolete but the faithful turned up in their thousands turning the Flemish countryside into a scene from Lord of the Rings. Iron Maiden were spot on making it clear as hell that they take their 'message' far less seriously than their own fans. Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, dust, beer, frites and kebab with sauce andalouse completed the picture.
KlapischCedric Klapisch kicked off his exploration of the "Erasmus generation" with L'Auberge espagnole (2002). In Les Poupees Russes (out now in Brussels) he chronicles post-Erasmus life and the "Eurostar generation" (work in Paris, love in London). Funny and very clever with the cliches. A voyage into what makes young-Europe tick. I went to watch it with a Polish friend and we came out feeling upbeat.
AristocratsDelicate play at The National in London about the painful final days of an aristocratic Roman Catholic family in Ireland and the resident American anthropologist who chronicles it all. Frustration, claustrophobia, half-truths and the longing to leave coupled with the magnetic pull of home.
Le Silence (2004)The uncomfortable return of a Frenchman to his 'native' Corsica. It centres around the hunt for 'sanglier' (wild boar) in the rugged mountains of this amazing island which I visited twice. Pure beauty, sheer nature.
Vincent: Tu es taciturne.
Olivier: Non, non, je suis fatigue. Peut-etre c'est ce lieu ou tout le monde connait tout le monde...